CHUP, Deacons, Food Pantry, Contribute, Ministries, Music & Choir, Sunday School - Faithbuilders, Table

Children @ CHUP

Young children are welcome to stay with their families during worship or go to the Infant-Toddler Room behind the sanctuary where Childcare is available for children ages 12 months to 3 years. Worship bags are available in the sanctuary for children staying in worship.

Children’s church is available for kiddos ages 3 years to 1st grade and may be dismissed to the Children’s Room after the Children’s Sermon.

Faithbuilders Sunday School classes for kids are separated by age group:

  • Preschool and Kindergarten
  • 1st and 2nd grades
  • 3rd-5th grades
  • 6th-8th grades
CHUP, Ministries, Youth Group, Youth