CHUP, Deacons, Food Pantry, Contribute, Ministries, Music & Choir, Sunday School - Faithbuilders, Table


The Deacons’ mission is to “teach charity, encourage compassion, and direct the people’s help to everyone within and beyond the community of faith”. We invite you to join our mission work and to share your ideas about how we can better “extend the heart and hands of Jesus Christ to the world.”

Who we are

The Deacons are charged with leading the congregation in prayerful, physical, and financial support of Christ’s mission around the world. Each month the Board of Deacons considers carefully the needs that have become known and the resources that are available, and the end result is that CHUP has a web of relationships with a wide variety of mission agencies and personnel both here in Pittsburgh and around the world. In addition to budgeted funds, the Deacons receive special offerings each time the congregation celebrates Communion, and often coordinates appeals for specific needs.
CHUP, Ministries, Deacons

What we do

A key element of our congregation’s ability to care for each other is the Connectors ministry, wherein key leaders in the church volunteer to check in on fellow members from time to time. We are grateful for those who engage in this ministry and welcome the opportunity to grow in our care for each other. If you have a question about the Connectors, please email the office. The Deacons’ mission is to “teach charity, encourage compassion, and direct the people’s help to everyone within and beyond the community of faith”. We invite you to join our mission work and to share your ideas about how we can better “extend the heart and hands of Jesus Christ to the world.” Please be aware that the Deacons manage the church’s Mission Travel Fund to provide support for church members and regular worshippers who want to participate in Christian mission projects. Contact the Deacons through the church office for more information on how to apply for funding.
CHUP, Deacons, Silhouette

you can help the hungry

During November and December, the Deacons are collecting donations in order to provide holiday assistance for families in need. Put your donation in a clearly labeled envelope in the collection plate or give it to one of the Deacon Treasurers, Matt Adler and Michele Kish. If you know someone who would benefit from holiday food assistance, please give the name and contact information to Sharon Carver or to Pastor Dave. Elders Adam Simcox and Steve Lignos have supported the Deacon Ministries by building a New Food Cupboard with expanded space for storing a broader range of items, including toiletries and bagged meals. This has proven to be a much needed resource to our community on a year-round basis, but is even more so during the holidays. To that end, the Deacons will be sponsoring a Harvest Offering in November, which will be an opportunity for the congregation to contribute to the Food Cupboard at a time of heightened need. The Deacons’ mission is to “teach charity, encourage compassion, and direct the people’s help to everyone within and beyond the community of faith”. We invite you to join our mission work and to share your ideas about how we can better “extend the heart and hands of Jesus Christ to the world.” Please be aware that the Deacons manage the church’s Mission Travel Fund to provide support for church members and regular worshippers who want to participate in Christian mission projects. Contact the Deacons through the church office for more information on how to apply for funding.
CHUP, Deacons, Donate Boxes

Produce to people

is a year-round program involving distribution of fresh produce to hungry families in our community through the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. It is held at Langley K-8 in Sheraden on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Contact Gabe & Michele Kish at 412-922-1950 if you are interested in participating in this project or would like help getting food for someone you know.

please pray for ..

The Deacons as we strive to “teach charity, encourage compassion, and direct the people’s help to everyone within and beyond the community of faith.” We appreciate your support and welcome your ideas and feedback!


a ministry of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, offers grants to local people to help with utility or rent payments. The maximum grant is $200, all of which comes from contributions. Lazarus applicants are our friends and neighbors. Applications are processed right here at CHUP. Contact the church office at 412-921-6153 to get an application and schedule an interview.