The Helping Hand Fund

The Fund has been established to provide members and friends of the CHUP Community with the opportunity to assist one another with urgent financial needs such as rent, utilities, medical expenses, or other disasters.  One-time grants of between $250 – $750 may be made upon recommendation by the ministry team responsible.  The Helping Hand Fund accepts donations in any amount.

If you would like to apply for a grant, please complete this form, indicating your connection with the ministries of the First UP Church of Crafton Heights (including the Open Door and the Crafton Heights Community Preschool).  If you do not have an ongoing relationship with the congregation, the Preschool, or The Open Door, you may be eligible for a grant from the Lazarus Fund of Pittsburgh Presbytery.

If you would like to nominate someone for a grant, please complete the form below noting the extent of the need of which you’re aware.

If you would like to contribute to The Fund, please complete the form indicating your interest in meeting the needs of your neighbors.  To donate to this ministry, you can visit or mail a check to The First U.P. Church of Crafton Heights, 50 Stratmore St., Pittsburgh PA 15205 (indicate “Helping Hand” in the memo line).

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to speak directly with someone about this program, please contact us! 

Grant Application

Please enter your preferred method of contact so we can follow up with you.
The Helping Hand Fund was established decades ago as a part of the vision of Dr. Leonard Schafer.  “Doc” Schafer was an active member of the church and a dentist in this community, and he understood the fact that many of us need help from time to time, and that it’s difficult to ask.  The Helping Hand Fund became a way for members of the church to give and receive timely assistance to each other with a minimum of red tape or social awkwardness.  For a long time, that fund was vibrant, but eventually grew dormant for a variety of reasons.  During the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020-2021, the congregation received a generous gift and the elders directed that the Fund be reinvigorated and strengthened to the end that more of our members and neighbors could participate in this effort.  Some will need assistance and others may be able to “pay it forward”.   While the nature of the gifts from the fund will be reported to the Session and Deacons, the names of donors or recipients remain confidential.